
Todos los estudiantes con un certificado B2 de lengua española de nuestro programa básico y en posesión del título de bachillerato en vigor que estén interesados ​​en cursar cualquiera de las titulaciones que se detallan a continuación, disfrutarán de un acceso directo a la universidad. No se requerirá un GPA mínimo .

Nota Importante: Recuerde que la educación está subvencionada por el gobierno español y que el estudiante pagará entre un 10% y un 20% del coste real de la carrera. Los precios de cualquiera de los grados que se ofertan pueden variar desde 850€/año hasta 1600 €/año a pagar directamente a la UPV. Los precios sufrirán algunas fluctuaciones periódicamente, pero en ningún caso superarán los 1600€/año durante los cursos académicos 2020/2021 o 2021/2022.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Alcoi

Presentation of the degree

The objective of the Degree in Business Administration and Management is to train professionals who will be capable of managing, directing, advising and assessing business organizations, as well as developing the entrepreneurial actions to develop viable and sustainable business projects.

The students will be able to plan, organize, direct and start up business projects in managerial or intermediate positions, managing the areas of finance, marketing, production, logistics, human resources, international, innovation and projects.

The curriculum of the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alcoi has the following optional courses: Counselling and Finance, Business Management and Organization, Project Management, Quality and Environment.

Career opportunities

Due to its broad profile, students will be able to take on managerial positions in all types of companies: from management and administration to more specialised positions in direction, accounting, finance, taxation, human resources, marketing, quality, occupational risks, etc. They may also work as auditors, consultants, advisors and trainers as well as creating their own company.

International mobility and internships

Thanks to the Erasmus, Promoe and Seneca academic exchange programmes, agreements have been signed with Spanish, European and other universities from all over the world.

With the Erasmus programme you can travel to Finland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, etc. And with the UPV’s own grants, called Promoe, you can make an academic exchange with universities in countries such as the United States, Singapore, China, Mexico, Argentina, Vietnam and Canada, among others. With the Seneca grants, you can complete studies in Madrid, Barcelona and Seville.

Further studies

The Degree in Business Administration and Management enables access to the following university master’s degrees taught by the UPV: Master’s in Business Administration MBA, Financial and Fiscal Management, and Management of Companies, Products and Services.

It also grants access to any university master’s degree from the UPV by taking the appropriate levelling courses.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Gandia

Presentation of the degree

The aim of these studies is to provide the necessary knowledge to plan and manage tourism destinations in a sustainable manner, to direct and manage accommodation, restaurant and other tourist activities, as well as to design, communicate and commercialize tourist trips. It also teaches how to organize and manage public institutions related to tourism, and communicate in various languages with tourism agents.

Career opportunities

Graduates will be able to work in various public services as well as in hotel and catering companies, travel agencies, tour operators, tourism promotion companies, fairs, transport organisations, tourism planning and development companies, tourist sector associations, animation, organisation of conventions and events, rural or environmental tourism, tourism departments and public institutions, public or private research centres or R&D+i, or as in a teaching position, among other options. They may also focus on e-commerce and the online management of content and resources.

International mobility and internships

The school encourages the mobility of students with exchange agreements with universities in Austria, Finland, France, Italy, Ireland or the Netherlands. With one year abroad, they can access two double degrees in Leisure & Tourism Management.

We have signed almost 300 educational cooperation agreements with companies in the tourism sector related to hotel management, travel agencies, tour operators, entertainment and events, ecotourism, etc.

Further studies

After studying the Degree in Tourism, students can take the Master’s Degree in Business, Products and Service Management of the UPV, which has two specialities: Advanced Service Management, taught in Spain, and Product Technology, in Germany. Furthermore, graduates can access the Master’s Degree in Cultural Management (interuniversity with the University of Valencia).

As in the rest of the cases, students may apply for admission to any UPV master’s degree by taking the appropriate levelling courses.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Alcoi

Presentation of the degree

This degree trains students who are able to design, build, start up and manage equipment and facilities in industries involved with chemical processes.

The curriculum of the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alcoi (EPSA) includes basic subjects, specific to the Industrial Branch and Industrial Chemistry, as well as optional subjects (Industrial Chemistry itinerary).

This degree enables students to become industrial technical engineerings and is internationally certified with the EUR-ACE Quality Label.

Career opportunities

You will work both in the manufacturing and consulting and design industry, in chemical engineering companies, reaching positions of responsibility in the production, quality and environment departments. You can also work directly in the chemical industry: petrochemicals, plastics, fertilizers, dyes… or related sectors: environmental, biotechnological, food, pharmaceutical…

You will be able to perform technical, legal and commercial advisory tasks; work as freelance (preparing expert opinions, judgements and projects), opt to join the Public Administration or teaching positions.

International mobility and internships

You can take a semester or the FYD in one of the universities, both European and from the rest of the world, with which EPSA has signed exchange agreements. This stay will enable you to live a very positive personal experience, get to know other cultures and master other languages. The internship are carried out in companies in any of the fields of action related to chemical engineering, not only in Spain, but also in EU companies within the Erasmus+ Programme framework.

Further studies

With this degree you can access the Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering, which allows you to become a chemical engineer, which, although it is not a regulated profession, is equated for this purpose.

Furthermore, you can also access the Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, which enables the exercise of the profession of industrial engineer and, like in the rest of cases, you can apply for access to any UPV university master’s degree by completing the levelling courses timely.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Valencia

Presentation of the degree

Graduates in Technical Architecture are professionals who, thanks to the knowledge acquired and the powers conferred by law, play a key role in the building sector. They carry out different activities such as the management of the material to carry out the work, its organization and planning, quality control, occupational hazard prevention and safety, the finances and the cost control and its management.

In our degree we teach you to use the latest applications in management, design and calculation as BIM, REVIT, ARCHICAD, LEAN CONSTRUCTION, PRESTO and AutoCAD 3D.

Career opportunities

Thanks this degree you can work as a construction manager, work manager or technical director in construction companies, promoters, rehabilitation and project companies or you can work in consultancies firms and technical advice companies, decoration, interior design, appraisals, real estate and technical offices. As a freelancer, you will be able to take the project management of the works, preparation and coordination of health and safety studies; writing of projects, consultancies and technical assistance. In addition, you will have the possibility of working in the Public Administration or take on research. Graduates can practice Building Engineering in the Commonwealth.

International mobility and internships

The School has exchange programmes in place to be able to take courses or carry out the final year dissertation with universities in Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Lithuania, Sweden, Holland, Poland, Finland, England, Wales, Sweden, Portugal, Hungary, Czech Republic, Mexico, Cuba and Chile, among others.

The collaboration agreements with companies cover all the professional fields of construction. Students will complete a minimum of 180 hours of paid internships.

Further studies

The Degree in Technical Architecture enables the direct access to the Master’s Degree in Building and the Master’s Degree in Preservation of Architectural Heritage, taught by the UPV.

Besides, you will be able to access any university master’s degree from the UPV by taking the appropriate levelling courses.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Alcoi

Presentation of the degree

Electrical Engineering studies consist of a basic training module; a training module shared by industrial branch; a specific training module in electricity and a final module specific to the student’s choice. The Degree in Electrical Engineering enables students to exercise the profession industrial engineer.

The curriculum of Alcoi specializes in the management and implementation of industrial and urban electrical installations or automation and industrial electronics.

This degree is internationally certified with the EUR-ACE quality label.

Career opportunities

This degree enables you to design energy production plants and all types of electrical facilities and for the transport of energy.

You can also advise on the acquisition and use of electrical equipment; design, supervise and programme equipment used in the automation of industrial processes and in the regulation of electrical facilities; perform electrical energy management tasks; maintain industrial facilities; sign certifications and reports, manage industrial companies and take on teaching and research tasks.

International mobility and internships

The internship will consist on the design and calculation of electrical installations, power lines, high and low voltage installations, lighting systems and automation of industrial processes.

It is possible to complete the studies and perform the FYD in the EU, the US, Latin America, Japan, Australia and different African countries.

Further studies

With this degree you have access the Masterâ¿¿s Degree in Industrial Engineering, which enables to exercise the profession of industrial engineer. Besides, students may access the following university master’s degrees taught by the UPV: Automation and Industrial Informatics; Industrial Constructions and Installations; Project Administration and Management; Integrated Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing; Business, Products and Services Management; Design Engineering; Maintenance Engineering; and Prevention of Occupational Risks.

It also grants access to any university master’s degree from the UPV by taking the appropriate levelling courses.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Valencia

Presentation of the degree

The Public Works Engineering or civil engineering integrates infrastructures with the territory, the environment and society in a sustainable manner. City planning; the layout of railway networks and roads; the protection of coasts and beaches; safety against floods and earthquakes; the design, construction and conservation of bridges, tunnels, dams and ports, or the integrated management of projects and works, are common activities of civil engineering. The degree trains professionals to offer sustainable and innovative solutions.

This degree is internationally certified with the EUR-ACE quality label.

Career opportunities

The Degree in Public Works Engineering enables to practice the regulated profession of Technical Engineer of Public Works (in the specialities of Civil Constructions, Hydrology or Transportation and Urban Services). This degree allows you to work in engineering companies, in the maintenance and operation of services, construction, etc. It also allows you to work in a freelance basis by conducting studies and projects, management and inspection of works, etc. Alternatively you can work as a state official of the technical bodies or take on teaching and research tasks.

International mobility and internships

You can complete your training in one of the more than 70 foreign universities with which we have mobility agreements, in countries such as France, Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom, Italy, Finland, Austria, United States, etc.

You have the option of carrying out paid internships in the best engineering, services and construction companies (national and international), as well as in different public administrations: town halls, councils, universities, etc.

Further studies

You will have direct access to the Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering at the UPV without complementary training.

Furthermore, the Degree enables access the following master’s degrees at the UPV: Planning and Management in Civil Engineering; Transport, Territory and Urbanism; Environmental Engineering; Concrete Engineering; Hydraulic Engineering and Environment; Occupational Risk Prevention.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Valencia

Presentation of the degree

Rural and Agrifood Engineering graduates must manage the production of food, with the purpose of obtaining quality products. They must also know, develop and apply science and technology for agricultural and livestock production, the organization and management of agricultural companies, planning and rural development and the implementation of agricultural infrastructure. All this in a respectful way with the environment, and in an economically profitable and socially acceptable manner.

This degree is internationally certified with the EUR-ACE and ABET quality labels.

Career opportunities

The professional areas in which graduates in this engineering degree can work are diverse: engineering technical offices, agrarian companies, technical management of horticultural plants, management of agricultural and livestock farms. Likewise, graduates can work on a freelance basis or in official bodies, in research centres or teaching.

This degree qualifies you to become a technical and agricultural engineer professional.

International mobility and internships

More than 200 students travel abroad and around 300 come from other countries. The School has agreements in place with some of the best European and American universities.

The School facilitates internships in companies and institutions, as evidenced by the fact that every year it sends around 650 students to 300 companies from different related sectors.

Further studies

With this degree grants access to the Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, which enables to pursue the profession of agricultural engineer.

The degree in Agricultural Engineering has been certified by the American agency ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology), which recognizes an equivalence to the master’s degree studies taught in the United States.

In addition, it grants access to several university master’s degrees: Erasmus Mundus in Plant Health in Sustainable Agriculture; Plant Genetic Improvement; Health and Plant Production and the Agri-Food and Environmental Economy, Animal Production and Hydraulic Engineering and the Environment.

And taking the appropriate levelling subjects, you can request access to any university master’s degree at the UPV.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Valencia

Presentation of the degree

The main purpose is to train technical and scientific professionals with knowledge in the scientific, technological, social, economic, legal and environmental management areas that can work in both private and public companies and in Administrations related to the environment.

Career opportunities

Graduates in Environmental Sciences will be able to work in different sectors as leaders of the following activities:

Environmental technologies

– Technical assistance and environmental advice to companies and administrations.

– Preparation, implementation and maintenance of environmental quality management systems in quality and environmental departments. Environmental audits

– Planning and sustainable development.

– Education in secondary and university education and training in environmental education.

– Research, development and innovation in companies and administrations.

International mobility and internships

There are many mobility agreements in place with universities in European countries (United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden and Turkey). It is also possible to carry out exchanges in the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Japan, Australia, Costa Rica and Mexico.

The internships last 500 hours (18 ECTS) and take place during the second semester of the fourth year. The International agreements of the Campus enables international internships.

Further studies

You can access the Master’s Degree in Assessment and Environmental Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems, which is taught in Gandia, as well as the following UPV university master’s programmes: Environmental Engineering (interuniversity: UVEG); Hydraulic Engineering and Environment; Industrial Safety and Environment; Aquaculture (interuniversity: UVEG); Prevention of Occupational Hazards; Energy Technology for Sustainable Development; and Transportation, Territory and Urban Planning. It also grants access to any university master’s degree from the UPV by taking the appropriate levelling courses.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Valencia

Presentation of the degree

The aim of this degree is to train responsible professionals in the sustainable management, preservation, restoration and planning of the natural and forest environment, dealing with both ecosystem services and the use and subsequent industrial transformation of their resources. All the above in an environmentally, economically viable and socially acceptable and appropriate way. The degree enables the pursue of the regulated profession of Forest and Environmental Engineer.

This degree is internationally certified with the EUR-ACE quality label.

Career opportunities

You can join sector companies, consultancy firms, public companies, or the Public Administration, as self-employed or in the wood, cork or bioenergy industry.

In consultancy and public companies, projects such as the management of works and energy exploitation projects predominate. In the Public Administration, the project management and supervision roles stand out, and, in the industries, there are many activities related to the purchase of wood, chain of custody and certification.

In recent years, international cooperation is becoming increasingly relevant due to the importance of forests in the environmental agenda of the countries.

International mobility and internships

More than 200 students of the School travel abroad and around 300 come from other countries. The School has signed agreements with some of the most prestigious and renowned European and American universities.

The School facilitates internships in companies and institutions, as evidenced by the fact that every year it sends around 650 students to 300 companies from different related sectors.

Further studies

With this degree you have access the Master’s Degree in Forest Engineering, which enables to pursue the profession of industrial engineer.

In addition, you can access university master’s degrees in Hydraulic Engineering and the Environment; Erasmus Mundus in Plant Health in Sustainable Agriculture; Plant Genetic Improvement; Health and Plant Production and the Agri-Food and Environmental Economy.

And taking the appropriate levelling subjects, you can request access to any university master’s degree at the UPV.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Valencia

Presentation of the degree

In the Degree in Geomatics and Surveying Engineering, we offer training in geospatial technologies that allow the capture, management, modelling, analysis and representation of geographic information associated with the territory, through the training in the use of different techniques and methodologies such as remote sensing, photogrammetry, satellite positioning and navigation systems, geodesy, geophysics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as applications in engineering and building works, the environment, land registry or cartography development and management. In addition, a special attention is paid to the use and development of automation of geospatial information management procedures.

This degree is internationally certified with the EUR-ACE quality label.

Career opportunities

Positioning and navigation by satellite, geographic information systems, implementation and geometric control of civil works, analysis of the subsoil; geodesy, surveying, creation of cartography for land registry and territorial planning; capture and analysis of geolocalized aerial data; environmental and heritage applications. Emergency management.

International mobility and internships

The School, through its International Office, maintains mobility agreements with over 80 universities in 22 countries in Europe and America. In addition, it has double degree agreements with ESTP Paris (France) and FH Karlsruhe (Germany). Furthermore, the agreements signed between the School and companies, associations and Public Bodies offer a wide variety of paid tutored internships.

Further studies

Offer of the integrated Degree in Geomatics and Surveying Engineering and Master’s Degree in Geomatics and Geoinformation Engineering.

In recent decades, the democratization of geographic information, the massive use of free data, smart cities, the management of large volumes of geographic data from satellites, etc. have made geoinformation, previously reserved to the cartographic world, a tool usually used by citizens as a whole. The set of advanced procedures, information management and applications are taught in the studies of the Master’s Degree in Geomatics and Geoinformation Engineering.


ECTS Credits: 240 (4 years)

Campus of Gandia

This degree delves into the functioning of the systems used to encode, transfer, receive and process information in any format, be it audio, video or data, through different media. It also includes the study of audio and video systems and equipment, as well as the design of venues for the production and recording of audiovisual material. The curriculum has a practical approach that simulates professional situations, completing language training, economics, business organization and programming courses. This degree enables you to work as a Technical Telecommunications Engineering in the specialities of Sound and Image or Telecommunication Systems.